So this post is being written only two weeks post-trip, but at least I'm finally getting around to writing it. Two weeks ago Brian and I took a road trip to St. Louis for his cousin's wedding. It was such a fun trip! We drove in my car, and my goal was to stay awake for the entire car ride since I am notorious for falling asleep really easily while riding in a car. Towards the last few hours of the trip I had to find ways to occupy myself beyond reading Cosmo (side note I was so disappointed to see how sexually focused that magazine was until I tried finding a worthy article to read and discuss with Brian! They were all about sexual things, so needless to say no worthy articles were found), doing crossword puzzles, and finding hidden words in word searches. I then came up with the brilliant game of Cruiser Bruiser! Basically the first person to find a PT Cruiser got to playfully hit (obviously we're not violent people or anything ha ha) the other person. I dominated at the game, but Brian says that it's an unfair game to the person who is driving. I say he just doesn't like to lose.
Upon arriving to St. Louis we stopped off at Union Station for food! Union Station is a really neat place that is a collection of a hotel and a ton of restaurants with like a little pond surrounding it that you can enjoy. We chose the Hard Rock Cafe for food, and it was delicious. Here are a few pictures of Union Station for you to enjoy:

Obligatory "self-portrait" that I take everywhere we go:

Once we checked into the hotel (Brian's parents were nice enough to let us stay in a Suite with them, so in the end I got to be roommates with Brian's sister Jenny) we found that Brian's family was all congregating in the hotel's lobby. I got to meet a majority of the people I had never met before, and it was fun to do so since my family is so small and Brian's is so large.
The next day was his cousin's wedding, and it was held in the church on St. Louis University's campus. It was a gorgeous church, and a great ceremony. They tied in some cool and unique traditions that I think have a Spanish background. I know I'm not a great photographer, but here is a picture of the outside of the church:

Here is another obligatory "self-portrait" of Brian and I waiting outside of the church between the ceremony and the reception:

The reception was held in the basement of the church. Now I was curious as to what that would be like since usually church basements are dark and drab and very cement like. This church basement however was GORGEOUS. It was made to hold receptions and it was very well lit and bright and just awesome. It was a good time, and I even made Brian slow dance with me once. After the reception was over we went back to the hotel and ordered a pizza and played Phase 10 with Brian's cousin Rob and his wife Anna.
On Sunday we trekked our way back to Wisconsin, and stopped off somewhere in Illinois to mini-golf and ride go-karts. It was so fun to mini-golf and I only lost by 2 strokes! The go-karts were fun too, but Brian kept getting bumped and turned around by some jerk so that was not to great. I'm just glad I was tall enough to ride them :)

All in all it was a great trip, and I can't wait for our next vacation to Utah/Las Vegas!!!