Monday, December 15, 2008

Reason number 257 I miss Utah...

So a week or so ago, my friend Brynlee told me that I needed to check out her facebook pictures for a surprise. I indeed had a GREAT surprise created by her, Jens, and Sydney. They spelled out my name one day with their bodies and it made me so happy I just had to share (I hope the 3 of them don't mind)...

I love these guys! And it makes me miss them oh so much, and I'm excited to visit sometime this summer. I'm totally putting these pictures side by side in a long frame in my room it makes me that happy.

In other happy news, I found fry sauce today at a restaurant in Wisconsin (actually at the food court in the mall I work at) and now my life is complete. I think Brian was a little weirded out by how excited I was with my dipping sauce for my chicken strips. Ah well.


Lindsey said...

weirded out?? Did he try the stuff??? :D

Stacey said...

Yes he tried it! And I don't think he appreciated its awesomeness or really cared for it. Though, in his defense he does have Bronchitis and is all drugged up. But still! Its fry sauce!! Only the greatest condiment EVER!

Bill and Emily Grant said...

YAY for frysauce!!! I know how hard it can be to find! My family always made our own when we lived in Phoenix and were so excited when we moved to Utah and could actually buy fry sauce at the store... already made! FUN STUFF!!!!

Judy said...

Wow, that is really cool that they did that for you. I wish I was that creative.